We’ve given you information on pest control, in your properties, many times before. That’s because it can be a major deterrent to attracting new residents and, especially retaining current residents. While a pest problem can be environmental (out of your hands), potential renters might not factor those things in—like proximity to a body of water or a neighbor with a pest problem that has migrated onto your property—and write off your rental as unclean and undesirable. So, if you’ve been paying attention, you have implemented a regular regimen of professional pest management and have “best practices” information written into your lease language, so that renters can do their part. As the temperatures rise and life leads us outdoors, thoughts should now move to outdoor pests.
You can’t rid the world of bugs. It’s a fool’s errand to even try. However, in a competitive market, any leg up you can get on the competition to direct the traffic of potential renters to your properties, is worth exploring. Part of being in investment real-estate is knowing your market and staying current with market trends. As the market changes and shifts, so should you. You can’t buy a property one year and leave it with the “I’m offering a necessary product, no change needed” attitude. When something appears on the market, you need to research it, do a cost-analysis (especially if you have multiple properties for which you will need to implement said change), and really consider if your specific market dictates this change.
One such trend, relating to pest control, is mosquito targeted pest control. There are several mosquito borne diseases that are problems across the world. While many of those have not, and in most cases will not reach the shores of America, there are many that were not here years ago but are now a problem. So, whether you include the measure in marketing your property, extended control, specific to the mosquito population in your area is worth considering. When you’re treating you landscaping for bugs that may be harmful to the lawn and shrubbery, inquire about what can be done to treat your property for the eradication and discouragement of mosquitos.
Once again, you’re not going to rid yourself of all bugs. Some say, nothing is impossible. That, dear friend, is impossible. You can, however, do the best with the technology and methods available. You don’t want to spend time and money on your landscaping, nor does a renter want to choose your property for the outdoor living aspect, yet be unable to take advantage of the amenity. It may be something you can do yourself or need to hire a professional. The cost may not be something that you’d initially planned for, but the benefits in continuous occupancy of your property can be immeasurable.